Proposals for the telescopes on Mt. Locke are accepted for the 2.7m, 2.1m and 0.8m telescopes. The 0.9m telescope is not currently scheduled via the TAC process. Proposals are submitted via the web, with the proposal forms at Proposals & Policy. Accounts on this system are user assignable.
Proposals for the HET are submitted via the web, with the proposal forms at Accounts on the system are user assignable. Proposers for the UT share of the HET must have a UT Austin Principal Investigator.
Other Important Information
The Principal Investigator on McDonald proposals is responsible for successful accomplishment of the observing, for the presence of a competent observer at the telescope, for coordinating with the mountain staff in order to prepare for the observing, and for making travel arrangements for the observer(s). The institutional affiliation of the PI determines whether the telescope time is counted as UT Austin or as Director's Discretionary time. ALL observers (UT and other) must file a request for services at least 3 weeks prior to their observing runs. Please use the RTA/RFS web form to submit a request for services.