Together, We Reach for the Stars

Support McDonald Observatory

Invest in the Future of McDonald Observatory

The University of Texas at Austin’s McDonald Observatory is dedicated to the advancement of humanity's understanding of the universe. We are unlocking astronomical secrets through cutting-edge research and instrumentation, preparing the next generation of astronomers, and sparking curiosity and wonder in visitors of all ages.

Your generous support helps us achieve this important work.

There are many ways to make a tax-deductible gift to the Observatory. Thank you for partnering with us in this important work.

Ways to Give

make a gift

Access the convenience of secure online giving through the University's giving page. The website allows you to make gifts using your credit card.

Matching Gifts

Does your company match gifts to UT Austin? Most matches are dollar-for-dollar (1:1), effectively doubling — or in some cases tripling - the value of donors’ gifts. Some companies match the gifts of retirees and spouses as well as those of active employees.

Endowments and Gift Planning

Endowed gifts and gifts made to the department through gift planning create a legacy and support UT astronomy for generations to come.

By contributing to or establishing an endowment, you can support the Observatory’s research and outreach in perpetuity. 

In-Kind Gifts, Stock Transfer, UT Employee Payroll Deduction and More


For questions, or to learn more about ways in which you can support and invest in McDonald Observatory, please contact:

Keary Kinch
Director of Development
(512) 471-6335