Other Telescopes

McDonald Observatory hosts other telescopes for research and education at its facility in West Texas.

0.9-meter telescope

0.9-m telescope

While owned and operated by University to Texas, the 0.9-m telescope is no longer scheduled as a McDonald Observatory research telescope. Currently, observing time on the telescope is used for public educational programs. The programs consist of Special Viewing Nights and Teacher Professional Development Workshops

Mcdonald Geodetic Observatory

McDonald Geodetic Observatory 

Initiated during the Apollo Era as one of the first and most productive NASA lunar laser raging stations, the observatory has been updated and expanded as the McDonald Geodetic Observatory, advancing a new era of global sub-millimeter scale geodetic science.

A black and white spiral galaxy

Las Cumbres Observatory Global Telescope

McDonald hosts one of the nodes of the Las Cumbres Observatory Global Telescope and receives 15% of the telescope time on the global network. The first 1 m telescope in the network achieved first-light at McDonald on March 31, 2012.

MOnitoring NEtwork of Telescopes

1.2-m MONET Telescope

McDonald hosts one of the two robotically controlled telescopes of the Monitoring Network of Telescopes (MONET) project. The twin is in South Africa. 

20 inch telescope at Mcdonald Observatory

20-inch Telescope

The observatory hosts a 20-inch telescope for Boston University's Imaging Science program. Optical Aeronomy at Boston University

These facilities are operated by their respective organizations.