Prime Focus Corrector (PFC)

The 0.8 m telescope is dedicated to an f/3.0 Prime Focus Corrector. The PFC provides a 1.10 degree field, and the Loral Fairchild 2048 x 2048 CCD covers 46.2 x 46.2 arcminutes. The CCD (LF1) has 15 micron pixels with 1.355 arcsec per pixel. The PFC operates from 3,000-10,000 Å. Five 2 inch square filter positions are available. The standard filter set is the Bessel UBVRI set. A special set of interference filters for cometary programs is available.

30-inch/PFC Quick Start Guide 



Phillip MacQueen

  • Chief Scientist
  • McDonald Observatory
  • Astronomy
Telephone Number:512 471 1470
Building: PMA
Room Number:17.334
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