B.A., University of California, Berkeley (1968)
Ph.D., University of California, Berkeley (1973)Research Interests
Molecular clouds; star formation; millimeter, submillimeter, and infrared astronomy.Dr. Neal Evans earned his bachelor's degree and doctorate in physics, at the University of California, Berkeley and did a year and a half of post-doctoral work at Caltech before coming to Texas. Although initially interested in high-energy and particle physics, he shifted his focus to astrophysics and worked with a research group started at Berkeley by Nobel laureate Charles Townes. Evans joined The University of Texas faculty in 1975, where he taught for 40 years, including classes about the search for extraterrestrial life, and a seminar on the origin of the Universe and life. He was the Randall Centennial Professor of Astronomy before becoming an Emeritus Professor in Sept. 2016. Evans has led large groups in programs on both the Spitzer and Herschel space telescopes, studying the formation of stars and planet-forming disks.
Curriculum Vitae
Neal J. Evans II
A.B. Physics, University of California, Berkeley, California, 1968
Ph.D. Physics, University of California, Berkeley, California, 1973
Edward Randall, Jr. Centennial Professor, Emeritus, 2016 - present
Edward Randall, Jr. Centennial Professor, 1994 - 2016
Professor, University of Texas at Austin, Astronomy Department, 1987 - 1994
Associate Professor, University of Texas at Austin, Astronomy Department, 1981 - 1987
Assistant Professor, University of Texas at Austin, Astronomy Department, 1976 - 1980.
Research Associate, University of Texas at Austin, Astronomy Department, 1975.
Research Fellow, California Institute of Technology, 1973 - 1975.
Research Assistant, University of California, Physics Department, 1971.
Phi Beta Kappa, 1967
Magna cum Laude with Honors in Physics, 1968
Physics Department Citation, 1968
National Science Foundation Fellow, 1968 - 1971
First Prize, Griffith Observer Essay Contest, 1974
Graduate Teaching Award, 1991
Fulbright Scholar, 2000
Fellow AAAS 2012
Oort Professor at the University of Leiden 2014
Distinguished Visiting Fellow at KASI (Korean Astronomy and Space Science Institute)
Eminent Scholar, Humanitas College, Kyung Hee University, Korea
American Astronomical Society
International Union of Radio Science (URSI)
International Astronomical Union
American Association for the Advancement of Science
Referee for Observing Proposals: McDonald, NRAO, IRTF, CSO, Haystack, HST, Subaru at various times.
Referee for Proposals for Funding to NASA and NSF.
Participated in Study Groups for Defining SIRTF, LDR, Exobiology in Earth Orbit, MMA.
MMA Advisory Committee (NRAO) (1994 – 1999)(Chairman 1994 – 96)
NRAO Visiting Committee (AUI)(1994 – 1997)(Chairman 1997)
ESO Visiting Committee 2010
Committee on Astronomy and Astrophysics (NRC)(1998 – 2000)
Radio/Submm Panel of Astronomy and Astrophysics Survey Committee (NRC)(1999 – 2000 and 2009-2010, Chair of panel)
ALMA Scientific Advisory Committee (2000 – 2003)(Chairman 2000)
Program Advisory Committee (NRAO)(1999 – 2000, 2006 - 2009)(Chairman 1999 – 2000)
Invited Reviews at Protostars and Planets I, II, and IV, Frontiers of Stellar Evolution, IAU Symposia 87, 96, 147, 150, AAS 182 special session, 3 to 4 conferences per year since 2004, Plenary talk at AAS 224, and Keynote talks at Netherlands Astronomy Meeting and the Astronomical Society of the Republic of China
ALMA Board (2012-2017), Chair 2013-2014
Paul A. Vanden Bout
National Radio Astronomy Observatory
520 Edgemont Road
Charlottesville, VA 22903-2475
Paul F. Goldsmith
Jet Propulsion Laboratory
California Institute of Technology
MS 183-335
4800 Oak Grove Drive
Pasadena, CA 91109-8099
Daniel Jaffe
Dept. of Astronomy
The University of Texas at Austin
2515 Speedway, Stop C1400
Austin, TX 78712