Field Station User Guidelines

Your Responsibilities

  • All users will be given an orientation to the site, guidelines, Wi-Fi access, any necessary keys, and maps. Users must be fully aware of current site conditions, hazards, and restrictions and take all steps to address these matters. We strongly recommend visiting in groups of at least two people.
  • Users will be issued a radio for use in the field to alert local staff, who can call 911, to any emergency. Emergency updates in the case of wildfire, extreme weather, or other threat(s) to campus will be made via our radio network. Users are expected to monitor the radio.
  • Users must use their radio to alert Observatory staff when they go into the field and when they re-turn from the field.
  • By entering the site, you agree that UT has no liability for damage or injury to your person or property. You also agree to abide by all UT-policies (including prohibitions on alcohol, tobacco, and misconduct), to the site-specific policies detailed here, and to instructions given by Observatory supervisory personnel.

General Conduct

  • No fires allowed, any time, any place, including camp stoves. This is a non-negotiable restriction.
  • Your activities should be low-impact, be noise-free, minimize lighting, and leave minimal trace. Flags, tags, and surplus equipment must be removed at the end of your study.
  • Be prepared. Carry a first aid kit, water, and the issued radio. Dress according to weather conditions. Do not proceed into the field if a severe weather notice has been issued by Observatory supervisory staff.
  • Observatory staff are generally not available to support your study but will respond to emergencies 24/7.