Field Station Project Planning

As a field station, McDonald Observatory can support both short-term and long-term projects. Requests to access McDonald Observatory facilities will be considered on a case-by-case basis by the McDonald Observatory superintendent. Prior to contacting McDonald Observatory regarding your project, please contact the managing director of the Field Station Network.

Long-term projects may require a standalone Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) if the impact to observatory operations is deemed fitting – this will be at the discretion of the Observatory Director.  For queries regarding long-term projects please contact the Superintendent before requesting time at the Observatory. 

Note: Observatory staff cannot assist in conducting your research, in data collection, or in data monitoring.  We can assist in infrequent equipment monitoring providing that it does not impact our day-to-day activities.

Access Request Form

The Access Request Form should be completed as far in advance of your requested dates as possible and no less than 4-weeks before the requested project start date.

Access Request Form

Completion of this form does not guarantee that access will be granted. This will be confirmed via a follow-up email to the address(es) provided. Possible reasons for denial may include campus events, particularly sensitive research operations, lack of lodging availability, lack of staff availability to support request, and conflict with large group visits (i.e., teacher workshops or astronomy REU programs).

This form will include information about you or your group and your intended research and support needs. For example:

  • Is this all in-field work?
  • Will you require power at your field site?
  • Will you want office or another workspace?

It will also ask for an emergency contact for the period of your visit.

If you indicate a need for rooms at the Astronomers Lodge, Lodge staff will reach out separately to activate the room reservation process. Please be prepared to provide a rooming list if bringing a group (i.e., undergraduate student research programs).

The Astronomers Lodge

McDonald Observatory has an 18-room lodging facility. Field Station visitors may use these facilities, if available.

Learn more about the Astronomers Lodge.


For these purposes a group is considered to be five or more people.

Every group should have one clearly identified organizer. This organizer is responsible for communications with the Observatory prior to a visit and will serve as the primary contact during a visit. If the organizer will not accompany the group, they should delegate this responsibility to a group chaperone and inform Observatory staff who the primary contact during the visit will be. 

For student groups, chaperones may be identified in addition to the Group Organizer. Enough chaperones should be identified to ensure one per facility/site if multiple research sites are requested. We advise a minimum of one chaperone per seven students. Organizers and chaperones accept responsibility for the actions of the students while on the McDonald Observatory campus. 

Before Your Visit

Prior to your visit you will be asked to meet with Observatory staff to review logistics and organization. This ensures that both parties are clear on the needs and expectations of the other, we have found this limits miscommunication and unexpected surprises to either party.

You will be asked to provide details of your field work plans so that Observatory staff can recommend locations – we will concentrate on facilitating your goals while minimizing impact on our normal operations. Any work/events conducted outside at night will require an approved safety plan. Similarly, any work/events taking place in a typically unoccupied area of the mountain will require an approved safety plan. 

In general, access to facilities other than those identified in the research request is only permitted with prior approval of the superintendent. This allows for accommodation to be made for other observatory activities.

If the Astronomers Lodge is not available, a list of accommodations in Fort Davis is available from the Fort Davis Chamber of Commerce website.